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Home > Workers Compensation
Associates who are injured or suffer a disabling occupational disease in the course and scope of their employment may be entitled to medical care and income replacement under workers’ compensation insurance. Each injury will be reviewed, and benefits and leave administered on a case-by-case basis in compliance with the applicable law of the state in which the injury occurred.
The cost of an Associate’s medical care is paid through workers’ compensation when the treatment is authorized, provided by an approved provider, and the injury is accepted as a workers’ compensation claim.
All injuries must be reported to your Manager/Supervisor as soon as possible. The Manager and/or the Associate must report the injury to the Payroll & Benefits Department as soon as possible after the injury occurs.
When reporting an injury to benefits@fischerhomes.com, the following information is needed:
Your assistance in providing this information in detail and promptly, will help speed up the claims process if you are eligible for loss wages compensation.
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