

Employee Assistance Program

Balancing work and family life activities may be difficult to handle alone. Fischer Homes has partnered with SupportLinc to provide the best-in-class Employee Assistance Program to assist you with every day problems, counseling, and referral services.  This is a confidential resource available to Associates and their family members.

Counselors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (including holidays). For additional counseling, you may schedule an appointment with a counselor for an assessment. This program included six sessions per incident each year for Associates and their dependents. The Employee Assistance Program also can provide referrals to other providers or community resources if additional assistance is needed. Work-Life Benefits SupportLinc also can be used for additional work-life benefits such as finding child care, elder care, financial consultation, and so much more! Review the Work-Life Balance sheet and call SupportLinc at 800.490.1585 for more information.

Contact Information

In-the-moment support
Reach a licensed clinician by phone 24/7/365 when you call for assistance to resolve emotional concerns such as stress, anxiety, depression, burnout or substance use.

Short-term Counseling
Receive a referral for no-cost in-person or virtual
(video) counseling sessions with a counselor.

Get assistance from a Coach to boost your emotional fitness, learn healthy habits, establish new routines, build your resilience and more.

Work-Life Benefits
Access expert consultations for financial and legal
issues. Receive convenience referrals for everyday
needs such as child or elder care, pet care, home
improvement or auto repair.

Strict confidentiality standards ensure no one
will know you have accessed the program without
your written permission except as required by law.

Your Web Portal and Mobile App

  • Create a personal profile to quickly access support from a licensed clinician.
  • Receive recommendations and care options based on your unique needs.
  • Exchange text messages with a Coach.
  • Attend anonymous group support sessions on a variety of topics.
  • Strengthen your mental health and wellbeing at your own pace with self-guided digital therapy.
  • Discover flash courses, self-assessments, financial calculators, career resources, articles, tip sheets and videos.

Start with Mental Health Navigator

Take the guesswork out of your emotional fitness! Visit your web portal or mobile app to complete the short
Mental Health Navigator assessment. You’ll instantly receive personalized guidance to access care and support.