


Fischer Homes offers seven official paid holidays for eligible full-time Associates. These holidays are listed below:

Holiday Date Observed
New Year’s Day January 1
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day First Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Day after Thanksgiving Fourth Friday in November
Christmas Day December 25

Holidays that occur on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday, and Sunday holidays will be observed on the following Monday.

Model homes are open for business on Saturday and Sunday. If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday and an additional day is observed as the holiday, then the model home will be closed on the actual holiday and the observed holiday. For example, when Independence Day falls on Sunday and the Company observes Monday as the holiday, the model homes will be closed on both Sunday and Monday. Model homes are also closed on Easter Sunday.

Personal Holidays

Associates will receive two personal holidays to use during the calendar year. New full-time Associates joining Fischer Homes prior to April 1 will also receive two personal holidays to use during the calendar year.

New Associates joining Fischer Homes after April 1 will receive one personal holiday to use during the calendar year.

Personal holidays may be used at the Associate’s discretion, including for volunteer events, wellness visits, personal matters, or observance of other holidays.

Any unused personal holidays will not accrue from year-to-year or be paid out for any reason, including termination of employment.

Personal holidays must be scheduled in the same manner as Personal Time Off and receive approval prior to their usage.