

HSA Plus Plan

The Fischer Homes HSA Plus plan, through United Medical Resources, has a national network of physicians and hospitals. If you prefer to use an out of network provider, you will pay a larger portion of the cost of the services provided. Routine, preventive services such as annual physicals, ob/gyn exams and immunizations are covered at no cost to you if you obtain these services from a network provider.

The chart below is a summary of the key features of the HSA Plus Plan.  For more information about coverage with this plan please refer to the Summary of Benefits and Coverage, call UMR 1.800.826.9781 or visit United Medical Resources.
  HSA Plus Plan
Medical plan Feature in Network
Paycheck Contributions Moderate
Employer HSA Contribution $720 / $960/ $1,200/ $1,320
Annual Deductible $3,300 / $6,400
Out-of-pocket Maximum $5,000 / $10,000
Coinsurance 20%
Office Visit (PCP/SPCC) 20% After Deductible
Emergency Room 20% After Deductible
Urgent Care 20% Coinsurance
Preventive Care/Screenings No Change
Diagnostic Tests/Imaging 20% Coinsurance
Pharmacy Benefits SmithRx

Prescription Tiers

(After Deductible)
$10 / $35 / $60

Click here to view all Medical Plan Options.

The Associate premium rates for 2025 are shown in the table below.

Associate Only$45$1,080
Associate Plus Spouse or Domestic Partner$175$4,200
Associate Plus Child(ren)$125$3,000

Associates that enroll in the HSA Plus Plan will be auto enrolled in their new HSA account through WEX January 2025.

Health Savings Account Contributions

In addition to contributions you may make to your HSA account, Fischer Homes  also contributes to your Health Savings Account each pay, helping you offset the higher out-of-pocket expenses of this plan. The bi-weekly contribution amount is based on the level of coverage selected:

Bi-Weekly Contribution Annual Contribution
Associate Only $30 $720
Associate Plus Spouse or Domestic Partner $50 $1,200
Associate Plus Child(ren) $40 $960
Family $55 $1,320

Watch to Learn More!

ID Card

Sign into your medical plan account to view your member ID card online, or download the United Medical Resources App.

HSA with WEX

All Associates enrolled in one of the HSA plans will automatically enroll into their HSA through WEX in 2025. Be on the lookout for more information in December via email and detailed information mailed to your home.