

Basic Life AD&D Insurance

Fischer Homes provides $50,000 of basic life and $50,000 of accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance for all full-time Associates.

Supplemental Life AD&D Insurance

Associates can voluntarily purchase supplemental life and AD&D Insurance for themselves, their legal spouse and or their children.

The chart below shows the key features of the Supplemental Insurance options.  Please refer to the Summary Plan Description for further details.

Insurance Plan Benefit Coverage
Supplemental Associate Life Insurance and AD&D $10,000 to $300,000
May be purchased in $10,000 increments.
Supplemental Spousal Life Insurance and AD&D $10,000 to $150,000
May be purchased in $5,000 increments.

Associates must elect (purchase) supplemental life insurance for themselves in order to elect supplemental life insurance for their spouse:

The supplemental life insurance for your spouse may not exceed 50% of the supplemental life you elected for yourself.
Supplemental Department Child Life insurance and AD&D $10,000 per child Associates must elect (purchase) supplemental life insurance for themselves in order to elect supplemental life insurance for their child.

Evidence of Insurability

Your enrollment in Supplemental Life Insurance may require an Evidence of Insurability (EOI or proof of good health) submissionto the Standard
  • If you are a new hire, eligible for the first time, or enrolling in Open Enrollment 2025 you can enroll up to the guaranteed issue amount of $300,000 without completing an EOI.
  • If you are enrolling for the first time after your eligibility waiting period as a new hire or first-time eligible Associate has passed, you may have to complete and submit an EOI to the Standard.
  • If you currently have coverage and wish to increase the amount by more than $250,000 during open enrollment, an EOI may be required.
The EOI form includes a series of health related questions. You may need the help of your doctor with the EOI form.
If you elect to increase your coverage and it does not exceed the allowable increase limits, then you will not be subject to EOI. You will be notified if you are required to submit EOI to the Standard.

How to Submit an EOI for Supplemental Life