

Eligible Dependents

Associates can extend coverage to all their Eligible Dependents. Eligible Dependents include the following:


The legal spouse of an eligible Associate.

Domestic Partner

Someone who meets the entire definition of a domestic partnership as set forth in the Declaration of Domestic Partnership.

If you are making a benefit change to add a domestic partner, you will be required to complete an affidavit.

Eligible Dependent Child

  1. Your natural, legally adopted, or step children under age 26, regardless of student, employment, or marital status. Coverage will terminate for dependent children the last day of the month in which the dependent child attains age 26.
  2. Children for whom you are the legal guardian.
  3. Children age 26 or older if they are disabled and legally dependent on you.  Upon enrollment, proof of the child’s condition and dependence must be submitted to the health care carrier for review and approval.