

Open Enrollment FAQs

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is a designated time during which Associates may update or select benefits that best meet their needs for the coming year.

Open Enrollment for the 2025 plan year begins November 11th and ends on Friday, November 22nd.

The 2025 Open Enrollment is passive. If you do not login to Paylocity and complete the Open Enrollment process, your current benefits will automatically rollover to 2024, except for any of the Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) or Health Saving Accounts(HSA). No action is required if you do not want to make any changes to your benefits and you do not want to participate in an FSA or HSA.

If you wish to change plans, add or remove coverage, or add or remove dependents, you must complete the Open Enrollment process.

Participation in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) and Health Saving Account (HSA) requires active enrollment.  If you are enrolled in an FSA or HSA in 2024 and wish to participate in 2025, you will need to re-enroll during Open Enrollment.

If you want to change any of the benefits you selected as part of your new hire process or if you want to enroll in the Flexible Spending or Dependent Care FSAs, you need to re-enroll for 2025.

The benefits you are enrolled in for 2024 will remain the same for 2025.

Your FSA/HSA contributions will be set to $0 for 2025.

Prior to Open Enrollment you should review your benefit needs for the coming year. If enrolling in any of the voluntary supplemental life benefits please have your beneficiary information, including social security number, available.

Health & Well-Being FAQs

Eligibility & Enrollment


The Company’s plan year is January 1 through December 31.

Coverage begins on the first of the month following your eligibility or hire date.  For coverage changes due to a Qualifying Life Event, coverage begins with the event or the day after the loss of any previous coverage.

Health & Well-Being


Information on continuing benefit coverage is provided by the Company’s third-party COBRA administrator. Associates will be mailed information to their address on file with the Company after their termination has been processed.

Mental Health

ID Cards

Dental & Vision

Life Insurance

Yes, Associates are covered under the employer group plan for $50,000.

Yes, Associates can purchase Supplemental Life and AD&D Insurance through the Standard at their own cost.  Click for more details.

Yes, the supplemental policy you purchase is portable. Contact the Standard for more details on portability.

Health Savings Account

A Health Savings Account is a great way to save money for out-of-pocket medical expenses like doctor visits, dental and vision care and prescriptions. It offers tax advantages that allow you to keep more of your hard-earned money, plus you can use it now or save it to cover health care costs in the future.

HSA contributions are deposited in a special interest-earnings account, which you can draw from at any time for health care expenses.

401(k) & Profit Sharing FAQs


Fischer Homes offers both a traditional 401(k) and Roth 401(k) with a wide range of investment options.  The plan is administered by Pension Corporation of America with investment choices through Charles Schwab. You can contact Pension Corporation of America (PCA) at 1-800-848-5848 or email them at for information on the plan.

Upon hire, all Associates are automatically enrolled in the 401(k) plan at a 5% deferral rate.  To opt out of this, or to change the deferral %, Associates should visit the Pension Corporation of America. Associates can also contact Pension Corporate of America at 1-800-848-5848 or via email at

Years of ServiceVested (Percentage)

Time Away From Work FAQs

Personal Time Off (PTO)

Associates are eligible for personal time off based on their years of service.

Years of ServiceDays Accrued Per YearMaximum Days Accrued
Year 1Days 1: 5 days
Full Year: 15
2 to 5 Years1525
6 to 15 Years2030
> 15 Years2540

Upon processing the termination in Paylocity, the Payroll and Benefits team will determine if a personal time off (“PTO”) balance is owed to the Associate. If a balance is due, it will be paid on the Associate’s final paycheck.

Sales Counselors on the high potential plan are not due PTO upon termination as they do not accrue PTO under this plan.

Yes, Associates are permitted to use Personal Time Off in hourly increments.

Leaves of Absence

Short & Long-Term Disability

You may file a claim with the Standard, once your leave has been approved by Payroll. There is a seven-day elimination period before your STD compensation will begin.

Short-Term Disability will pay 60% of your base pay for up to 13 weeks. Should your medical provider deem you disabled for a longer period of time, you may then file for Long-Term Disability through the Standard.

The Standard reviews and makes claim determinations. Claim status and subsequent updates will be provided to you directly by the Standard.

Wellness FAQs

To qualify for the benefit in 2026, submit the Wellness Affidavit Form by September 30, 2025, to

You no longer need a Biometric screening. 

Yes, if you have visited your PCP complete the form by as October 1, 2024 for 2025 benefit premium savings!

No, participation is not required but it is highly recommended for both your overall medical knowledge and the premium savings.

No. While we do recommend everyone gets annual physical, spouses or domestic partners are not required to complete the physical. If your spouse or domestic partner is on our medical plan and completes their annual physical. They must complete Wellness Affidavit Form and submit to

The savings will be a reduction in your 2025 medical premiums. Note that 2025 medical premiums will be different than the current year, so overall cost to an Associate may not be lowered by up to $1,000 year over year.

Once your Wellness Affidavit Form is sent to, you will receive a response it has been received. You will see the premium discount the following calendar year.

In 2025, the savings will be allocated over 24 paychecks, this reduces your medical premium deduction by $25 or $41.67 each paycheck depending how much you are eligible to save.

No. The Wellness team only receives your affidavit form has been completed. No “PHI” is tracked. 

If you are not electing benefits for a spouse or child(ren), then you are still eligible to save. See the chart on the wellness page to determine how much you are eligible to save.

View the chart on the wellness page to determine who you are covering and how much you are eligible to save.

No, you will not save anything in 2025, however, you should still visit your doctor for a checkup. 

Other Benefits FAQs
